About Wellness Content Creations


Hi there! My name is Jana. I am passionate about writing and creating content to help you generate more income, convert prospects into clients, and grow your client base. Use my engaging content to establish trust and credibility, increase visibility, grow your audience, and create a thriving business!

In college, I studied journalism, earning public relations and business degrees. Then I spent years working in corporate sales, prospecting, building relationships, following up with prospects, and converting them to clients, often creating my own content to differentiate myself and provide value. These experiences taught me the importance of messaging and consistency.

While in sales, I also embarked on my health journey to heal my body from a variety of health issues, many of which stemmed from food sensitivities, allergies, and stress (burnout, anyone?). My journey led me to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition®, where I studied health coaching and had my aha moments!

Once I graduated as a health coach, I immediately realized how many people in all corners of the wellness world struggled with consistency when writing blogs and creating newsletters and social media content. They didn’t have the time to write, didn’t know what to write, didn’t like to write, or came up with a myriad of excuses as to why they couldn’t write and create.

That’s where I come in. I have written all the content for you, allowing you to stay consistent, be visible, and focus on why you started your business. Use the content in social media, video scripts, blogs, newsletters, or whatever format you desire.

No more excuses! Keep reading to learn more.

creating content

How Does It Work?



The different subscription levels are designed to meet all types of needs, so if you like to write and simply don’t have time to create all of the content you need, we can help. If you just don’t like writing at all, we can provide you with all the content you need.



Log into the website and browse through a variety of articles that would make sense for you. There is a brief summary of each article, as well as the number of sources used, the number of words and the time it takes to read each article, to help you decide which articles will work for your needs.



Every month, you can log in to the website to download the content that you are looking for. We are constantly adding new content to the site, allowing you to always have fresh, new content from which to choose. 

Why You Need Wellness Content Creations

Why You Need Us 

With Wellness Content Creations, you get the best of both worlds. We do the work for you by providing well-researched and engaging articles with the option to customize the content however you want. You no longer have to research or write your articles, blogs or newsletters, saving you time, allowing you to focus on what is important to your business.

Use the articles as is, or put your own spin on it, depending on what you need. The great thing is that you get to decide what makes the most sense for you. The articles are fact-checked, with sources provided, adding to your credibility.  Engaging your audiencee increases your visibility and brand awareness.

So Many Ways To Use The Content

You can use it in your newsletter or blog, social media and more. The content can also be repurposed.
There are so many ways to use the content. Send us an email and we can work with you to help you use the content in a way that makes the most sense for your business.